Plantpeddler/Cresco Greenhouses

Welcome to  We are your proven supplier of top quality plants that meet all your needs. Located in Cresco, Iowa since 1980, Plantpeddler has built a very colorful history. With roots starting in a traditional floral and garden center format, Plantpeddler has seen extensive growth through the development of multiple divisions that serve an extensive clientele ranging from gardeners to greenhouse growers.

Whether you are a commercial grower sourcing young plant material, a retailer seeking finished plants or fresh veggies, or a consumer looking for a floral arrangement, Plantpeddler is ready to deliver!

1880 Cresco Greenhouse was established on the south edge of Cresco on the Protivin Road. The range consisted of a couple of small cypress and glass houses. The main crops were sweet corn, watermelon, and muskmelon.

1928 The greenhouse facility was moved to its present location on Highway 9 by the Marshal family to raise flowers and vegetables. Once moved, the area consisted of approximately 3500 square feet (sq. ft.) of greenhouses.